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Eye Of The Tiger

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Información del midi
Título: Eye Of The Tiger

Autor: Survivor

Categoría: Rock

Número de accesos: 60487

Más midis de Rock Letra de la canción

Risin up
back on the street
did my time took my chances
went the distance now I'm back on my feet
just a man and his will to survive
so many times
it happens too fast
you trade your passion for glory
don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
you must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the

Face to face
out in the heat
hanging tough
stayin hungry
the stack the odds still we take to the street
for the kill with the skill to survive...

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

Risin up
straight to the top
had the guts got the glory
went the distance now I'm not gonna stop
just a man and his will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
its the cream of the fight
risin up to the challenge of our rivals
and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
and he's watching us all with the eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger......
The eye of the tiger......
The eye of the tiger......

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