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Francis Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle

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Información del midi
Título: Francis Farmer will have her revenge on Seattle

Autor: Nirvana

Categoría: Rock

Número de accesos: 10034

Más midis de Rock Letra de la canción

It's so relieving to know that you're leaving
As soon as you get paid
It's so relaxing to hear that you're asking
Wherever you get your way
It's so soothing to know that you'll sue me
This is starting to sound the same

I miss the comfort in being sad

In her false witness, we hope you're still with us,
To see if they float or drown
Our favorite patient, a display of patience,
Disease-covered Puget Sound
She'll come back as fire to burn all the liars
A blanket of ash on the ground

I miss the comfort in being sad

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