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One heart

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Información del midi
Título: One heart

Autor: Celine Dion

Categoría: Pop Ingles

Número de accesos: 15697

Más midis de Pop Ingles Letra de la canción

You can run and you can begin'
In a place where you don't fit in
Love will find a way... yeah

When you're down, you can start again
Turn around and you think you're in
Love will find a place… yeah

If you got one heart you are followin'
One dream keeps you wondering
Love lights your way through the night
One wish keeps you tryin'
Once your silver lining
Loves lights your way through the night

You can fall a thousand time
You can feel like you've lost your mind
Love will find a way oh yeah yeah
In a minute it can change your life
In a moment it can make you right
Love will find a place… yeah

If you got one heart you are followin'
One dream keeps you wondering
Love lights your way through the night
One wish keeps you tryin'
Once your silver linin'
Loves lights your way through the night

Everybody needs something to hold on to
Everybody needs something to hold on to
if you got one heart you are followin'
one dream keeps u wondering
love lights your way through the night
One wish keeps you tryin'
once your silver linin'
Loves lights your way through the night

One wish keeps you tryin'
Once your silver linin'
Loves lights your way through the night

Love will find a way
Love will find a way in your heart

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