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Información del midi
Título: Matchbox

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 8005

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
I said I'm sittin' here watchin'
Matchbox hole in my clothes
I said I'm sittin' here watchin'
Matchbox hole in my clothes
I ain't got no matches but I sure
got a long way to go

I'm an ol' poor boy, and I'm a
long way from home
I'm an ol' poor boy, and I'm a
long way from home
I'll never be happy cause everything I've
ever did was wrong

Well, If you don't want my peaches honey
please don't shake my tree
Well, If you don't want my peaches honey
please don't shake my tree
I got news for you baby, leave me here in

Well, let me be your little dog, till your
big dog comes
Well, let me be your little dog, till your
big dog comes
And when your big dog gets here, watch how
your puppy dog runs

I said I'm sittin' here watchin'
Matchbox hole in my clothes
I said I'm sittin' here watchin'
Matchbox hole in my clothes
I ain't got no matches but I sure
got a long way to go

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