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Slow down

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Información del midi
Título: Slow down

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 9057

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
Well, come on pretty baby, won't you walk with me?
Come on, pretty baby, won't you talk with me?
Come on pretty baby, give me one more chance
Try to save our romance!

Slow down, baby, now you're movin' way too fast
You gotta gimme little lovin', gimme little lovin'
Ow! if you want our love to last

Well, I used to walk you home, baby, after school
Carry your books home, too
But now you got a boyfriend down the street
Baby what you're tryin' to do?

You better slow down!
Baby, now you're movin' way too fast
You gotta gimme little lovin', gimme little lovin'
Bbbbb! if you want our love to last

Well you know that I love you, tell the world I do
Come on, pretty baby, why can't you be true?
I need your baby, oh so bad
The best little woman I ever had

Slow down, baby, now you're movin' way too fast
You gotta gimme little lovin', gimme little lovin'
Ow! if you want our love to last

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