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Long tall sally

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Información del midi
Título: Long tall sally

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 11022

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
Gonna tell Aunt Mary 'bout Uncle John
He says he has the blues but he has a lotta fun
Oh baby,
Ye-e-e-eh baby
Woo-o-o-oh baby
Havin' me some fun tonight

Well, long tall Sally has a lot on the ball
And nobody cares if she's long and tall
Oh baby
Ye-e-e-eh baby
Woo-o-o-oh baby
Havin' me some fun tonight

Well, I saw Uncle John with long tall Sally
He saw Aunt mary cummin' and he ducked back in the alley
Oh baby
Ye-e-e-eh baby
Woo-o-o-oh baby
Havin' me some fun tonight

We're gonna have some fun tonight
Gonna have some fun tonight
We're gonna have some fun tonight
Everything will be alright
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna have some fun tonight

We're gonna have some fun tonight
Gonna have some fun tonight
We're gonna have some fun tonight
Everything will be alright
We're gonna have some fun
Gonna have some fun tonight

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