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One after 909

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Información del midi
Título: One after 909

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 9787

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
My baby says she's travelling on the One after Nine-O-Nine
I said "Move over honey
I'm travelling on that line"
I said "Move over" once
"Move over" twice
"Come on baby don't be cold as ice"
I said "I'm travelling on the One after Nine-O-Nine"

I begged her not to go and I begged her on my bended knees
You're only fooling round
You're only fooling round with me
I said "Move over" once
"Move over" twice
"Come on baby don't be cold as ice"
I said "I'm travelling on the One after Nine-O-Nine"

I got my bag, run to the station
Railman says "You've got the the wrong location"
Pick up my bag, run right home
Then I find I've got the number wrong

Well I said "I'm travelling on the One after Nine-O-Nine"
I said "Move over honey
I'm travelling on that line"
I said "Move over" once
"Move over" twice
"Come on baby don't be cold as ice"
I said "I'm travelling on the One after Nine-O-Nine"

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