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Happiness is a warm gun

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Información del midi
Título: Happiness is a warm gun

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 9609

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
She's not a girl who misses much
Do do do do do oh yeah
She's well acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand
Like a lizard on a window pane
The man in the crowd with the multicoloured mirrors
On his hobnail boots
Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy working overtime
A soap impression of his wife which he ate
And donated to the Nation Trust

I need a fix 'cause I'm going down
Down to the bits that I left uptown
I need a fix cause I'm going down
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun
Mother Superior jump the gun

Happiness is a warm gun
Happiness is a warm gun
When I hold you in my arms
And I feel my finger on your trigger
I know no one can do me no harm
Because happiness is a warm gun
Happiness is a warm gun, yes it is
Happiness is a warm gun

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