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The continuing story of bungalow bill

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Información del midi
Título: The continuing story of bungalow bill

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 7712

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?

He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun
In case of accidents he always took his mom
He's the all American bullet-headed saxon mother's son

All the children sing
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?

Deep in the jungle where the mighty tiger lies
Bill and his elephants were taken by surprise
So Captain Marvel zapped in right between the eyes

All the children sing
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?

The children asked him if to kill was not a sin
"Not when he looked so fierce", his mother butted in
"If looks could kill it would have been us instead of him"

All the children sing
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?
Hey Bungalow Bill
What did you kill Bungalow Bill?

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