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Good morning good morning

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Información del midi
Título: Good morning good morning

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 11062

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
Good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning
Good morning, good morning

Nothing to do to save his life call his wife in
Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been
Nothing to do it's up to you
I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.
Good morning, good morning, good morning

Going to work don't want to go feeling low down
Heading for home you start to roam then you're in town

Everybody knows there's nothing doing
Everything is closed it's like a ruin
Everyone you see is half asleep
And you're on your own you're in the street

After a while you start to smile now you feel cool
Then you decide to take a walk by the old school
Nothing has changed it's still the same
I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.
Good morning, good morning, good morning

People running round it's five o'clock
Everywhere in town is getting dark
Everyone you see is full of life
It's time for tea and meet the wife

Somebody needs to know the time, glad that I'm here
Watching the skirts you start to flirt now you're in gear
Go to a show you hope she goes
I've got nothing to say but it's O.K.
Good morning, good morning, good morning

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