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Información del midi
Título: Wait

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 9404

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
It's been a long time
Now I'm coming back home
I've been away now
Oh how I've been alone

Wait till I come back to your side
We'll forget the tears we've cried
But if your heart breaks
Don't wait, turn me away
And if your heart's strong
Hold on, I won't delay

Wait till I come back to your side
We'll forget the tears we've cried
I feel as though you ought to know
That I've been good as good as I can be
And if you do I'll trust in you
And know that you will wait for me

It's been a long time
Now I'm coming back home
I've been away now
Oh how I've been alone

Wait till I come back to your side
We'll forget the tears we've cried
I feel as though you ought to know
That I've been good as good as I can be
And if you do I'll trust in you
And know that you will wait for me

But if your heart breaks
Don't wait, turn me away
And if your heart's strong
Hold on, I won't delay

Wait till I come back to your side
We'll forget the tears we've cried
It's been a long time
Now I'm coming back home
I've been away now
Oh, how I've been alone

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