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I need you

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Información del midi
Título: I need you

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 15737

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
You don't realize how much I need you
Love you all the time and never leave you
Please come on back to me
I'm lonely as can be
I need you

Said you had a thing or two to tell me
How was I to know you would upset me?
I didn't realise
As I looked in your eyes
You told me
Oh yes, you told me
You don't want my lovin' anymore
That's when it hurt me
And feeling like this
I just can't go on anymore

Please remember how I feel about you
I could never really live without you
So, come on back and see
Just what you mean to me
I need you

For when you told me
You don't want my lovin' anymore
That's when it hurt me
And feeling like this
I just can't go on anymore

Please remember how I feel about you
I could never really live without you
So, come on back and see
Just what you mean to me
I need you

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