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Things we said today

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Información del midi
Título: Things we said today

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 9994

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
You say you will love me
If I have to go
You'll be thinking of me
Somehow I will know
Someday when I'm lonely
Wishing you weren't so far away
Then I will remember
Things we said today

You say you'll be mine, girl
Until the end of time
These days such a kind girl
Seems so hard to find
Someday when we're dreaming
Deep in love, not a lot to say
Then we will tremember
Things we said today

Me, I'm just the lucky kind
Love to hear you say that love is luck
And, though we may be blind
Love is here to stay
And that's enough
To make you mine, girl
Be the only one
Love me all the time, girl
We'll go on and on

Someday when we're dreaming
Deep in love, not a lot to say
Then we will tremember
The things we said today

Me, I'm just a lucky kind
Love to hear you say that love is love
And though we may be blind
Love is here to stay
And that's enough
To make you mine, girl
Be the only one
Love me all the time, girl
We'll go on and on

Someday when we're dreaming
Deep in love, not a lot to say
Then we will tremember
The things we said today

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