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Please mister postman

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Información del midi
Título: Please mister postman

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 11523

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
Wait, oh yes wait a minute mister postman
Wait, wait mister postman

Mister postman look and see
You got a letter in your bag for me
I been waiting such a long time
Since I heard from that girl of mine

There must be some word today
From my girlfriend so far away
Please mister postman look and see
If there's a letter, a letter for me
I been standing here waiting mister postman
So patiently
For just a card or just a letter
Saying she's returning home to me

So many days you passed me by
See the tear standing in my eye
You didn't stop to make me feel better
By leaving me a card or a letter

You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute
You gotta check it and see one more time for me

Deliver the letter, the sooner the better


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