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All i've got to do

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Información del midi
Título: All i've got to do

Autor: Lennon

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 14174

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
Whenever I want you around, yeh
All I gotta do
Is call you on the phone
And you'll come running home
Yeah, that's all I gotta do

And when I, I want to kiss you, yeh
All I gotta do
Is whisper in your ear
The words you long to hear
And I'll be kissing you

And the same goes for me
Whenever you want me at all
I'll be here, yes I will, whenever you call
Whenever you call
You just gotta call on me, yeah
You just gotta call on me

And when I, I want to kiss you, yeah
All I gotta do
Is call you on the phone
And you'll come running home
Yeah, that's all I gotta do

And the same goes for me
Whenever you want me at all
I'll be here, yes I will, whenever you call
Whenever you call
You just gotta call on me, yeah
You just gotta call on me

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