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Información del midi
Título: Boys

Autor: The Beatles

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 11914

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción
I been told when a boy kiss a girl
Take a trip around the world
Hey, hey (bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop)
Hey, hey (bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop)
Hey, hey, yeah, she say ya do

My girl says when I kiss her lips
Gets a thrill through her fingertips
Hey, hey (bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop)
Hey, hey (bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop)
Hey, hey, (bop shuop) yeah, she say ya do (bop shuop)

Well, I talk about boys
Don't ya know I mean boys
Well, I talk about boys, now
Aaahhh, boys
Well, I talk about boys, now
What a bundle of joy!

My girl says when I kiss her lips
Gets a thrill through her fingertips
Hey, hey (bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop)
Hey, hey (bop shuop, m'bop bop shuop)
Hey, hey, (bop shuop) yeah, she say ya do (bop shuop)

Well, I talk about boys
Don't ya know I mean boys
Well, I talk about boys, now
Aaahhh, boys
Well, I talk about boys, now
What a bundle of joy!

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