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Información del midi
Título: Misery

Autor: Lennon/McCartney

Categoría: Los Beatles

Número de accesos: 10423

Más midis de Los Beatles Letra de la canción

The world is treating me bad

I'm the kind of guy
Who never used to cry
The world is treating me bad

I've lost her now for sure,
I won't see her no more,
It's gonna be a drag

I'll remember all the little things we've done
Can't she see she'll always be the only one, lonely one

Send hewr back to me
'cos everyone can see
Without her I will be
In misery

I'll remember all the little things we've done
She'll remember and she'll miss her only one, lonely one

Send her back to me
'Cause everyone can see
Without her I will be in misery
In misery
Ooh in misery
Ooh my misery

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